zaterdag 21 juni 2008


June 21st, Midsummer's day

Tomorrow off to Canada with the Corkestra

We added a gig in Toronto:
Will play the Fender Rhodes in that gig, it's been a while %-P
at the Horseshoe Tavern (a doulbe bill with Vandermark) on June 26th


I have listened to a gig I did 2 years ago with a group called "het Kabinet" ("the Government", as in all the ministers, state secretaries and president)

Cor Fuhler - keyolin, guitaret, Niglo 1 , roll-up piano
Aleks Kolkowski - strohviol, singing saw
Frank van Bommel - harmonium, metalophones
Jacques Palinckx - lute, resonator guitar
Gert- Jan Prins - timpani, radio
Peter van Bergen - doublebassclarinet
Michael Vatcher - glasharmonica, 2 meter bassdrum

and I really liked it! despite of many reservations I had after the concert, I smiled al the way through listening to it

So I think I will make this ConundromCd 7, mixing and mastering after I get back from Canada


I managed to make a number of copies of ConundromCd 6
CRAX (with Dörner, Cooper, Fuhler)

So, the Lucky people in Canada could be the first ;-)

donderdag 19 juni 2008

CRAX - Corkestra Canada

Out soon:
ConundromCd 6: CRAX
Axel Dörner - slide trumpet
Clare Cooper  - harp
Cor Fuhler - piano & (electronic) preparations

Corkestra on tour in Canada

June 23 Ottawa Jazz Festival concert
24 Ottawa Jazz Festival workshop
25/26 Toronto recording sessions
27 Calgary
28/29 Vancouver
30 Montreal

Cor Fuhler, Cor Fuhler, Cor Fuhler, Cor Fuhler, Cor Fuhler, Cor Fuhler, Cor Fuhler, Cor Fuhler, Cor Fuhler, Cor Fuhler, Cor Fuhler, Cor Fuhler