donderdag 23 april 2009

Old stuff

Have been listening to various old recordings from the past. To see if there is something amongst it worthwhile after all these years.

--- Me
--- Misha Mengelberg 
--- Michiel Scheen 
 I organised once a trio in the Eusebius church in Arnhem. A church with a 9 (!) second delay. There was a grand organ, a choir organ, a Hammond organ and a harmonium. We swapped seats all the time. Recorded "98. Some very, very (!) weird stuff...

---trio Fuhler - Bennink - de Joode
--- + Thomas Lehn
Funny!, space jazz and beyond.... made me smile a mile
(from 2001 I think)

--- me - piano
--- Toshimaru Nakamura - no unput mixer
--- Oren Ambarchi - guitar & electronics
I organised this trio for the Doekfestival in 2004. 
The piano sounds (too) loud all the time, but that's also because Toshi and Oren played very little. Still sounds good as a whole though. Makes me wonder about density, it's very differently persieved form a jungle perspective or a desert perspective. Both very valid.

--- me - piano, string instrumetns, synth stuff
--- Steve Heather - big drum, percussion, super 8 film
Not really a recording but an installation we did in 2005. The idea came from Steve: 2 main instruments (grand piano and very large bass drumm) with a circel of smaller instruments around it, being played by 2 rotating machines. Around the piano mostly string instruments and around the bass drumm mostly percussion stuff. Additionaly we both had all kinds of machines to play the objects of our choise + the additional super 8 films and analogue electronics.
Our good friend Dick Lucas recorded 20 + minutes of this installation and it still sounded very good to my ears.

--- me - piano, EMS putney, keyolin, cracklebox
--- Jim O'Rourke - computer, organ, EMS Synthi A
A concert we did in 2000, live at the Empty Bottle Festival of Jazz and Improvised Music in Chicago. Well..., mmm,  it survives in my opinion. Very 2000.... but it was a good year... I could hear things comming up....

Who knows...

Now off to the woods of Limburg for a holliday.
Back in over a week or so


More often than not, I wake up at night (by my kids or something else) and can't get back to sleep for something like 3 hours or so. Mostly I come up with solutions about pieces that I'm writing or things I don't know yet how to build. But sometimes I make nursery rhymes. Mostly I forget them straight away, but this time I could still cite it when my oldest boy came waking me up: 

There was a boy called Ling
he had a ring
and dreams about a king
who flies on a wing
to a country called Ming
where all the people sing
just about the spring:

Spring, spring, spring
I'm sitting on a swing
and having a fling
with a girl called Jing

Spring, spring, spring
she's a lovely thing
then broke the string
and gone was Jing

It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing

maandag 13 april 2009

AFG + Music boxes

So, the recording I was refering to 2 posts ago, is out now: ConundromCd9!  Me, Dale Gorfinkel and Robbie Avenaim  (called AFG).  The disc is called Plains. On every cdr there is a different postage stamp with a plane on it (above picture is the one I keep myself with a stamp from Afganistan from '84, but they're all unique and from countries like Poland, Cuba, CCCP, Mongolia etc etc).
It was an interesting combination (2 vibraphones and 2 pianos), and I think we did some very interesting stuff in a beautifull place called the Old Darlington School in Sydney on Feb 7 and 8 in 2006, recorded by the great and wonderfull Jim Denley. We all think we can do much better now, but I think you allways have that feeling. "Plains" is great as it is and worthy of presenting I think.
We're planning to do some more work in 2010 in Oz, recording as well as performing.

Been working on playing the piano with Music boxes (with the terrible original song cut out obviously). I'm not a fan of cyclic music when it is 100% cyclic, so with 2 or more boxes (I made 6 by now) it plays the (prepared) strings in a cyclic way but changing all the time and never the same. Something like rain... And a great percussive addition to the sustained sounds I can generate through electromagnetism.
I also will write a piece for 2 pianos (duo Post & Mulder will perform it in November) for these boxes and the 2 players. Should be fun: dense but also light.

woensdag 1 april 2009

Off to the Antarctic as Mr Pinnell's assistant to do some sound research on the effects of ice on birdcalls. Man, this came just out of the blue. Soooo psyched about this.
So, won't be seeing you all for a while.

And huhh, happy birhtday sister in law!